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Table format tool not available on Hub site?

04-30-2020 10:02 AM
Occasional Contributor

On my Hub site, I would like to create a simple table as described in this Hub Blog post. But when I add the table to the Text card as described the table format/edit tool does not appear. As it is now, after I add the table, the only thing I can do it add text to it using the text format tools that appear at the top of the text card. I can't adjust the size of the cells or change the color within the cells unless I use code. 

Is the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) table tool as described by Klara Schmitt‌ in this document the only tool available for tables? 

Thank you

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3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Katie,

The GeoNet post I wrote about tables was how to do HTML tables. You would not be able to use the Text Card's table button to style table background color or cell width. We handle table cell sizing automatically to make sure the output is a responsive table. The reason you see color in my examples is because I have links. You should be able to put links into your table through the Text Card. However, you are correct there does appear to be a bug in that the table is missing the controls that allow you to handle alignment or set table headers, I will report that.

Occasional Contributor

Thank you so much for your quick reply (fastest I have seen!). I appreciate you reporting the bug. Please let me know what the BUG number is so I can follow it. I will pass along your comments to our users who are hoping to create tables within their Hub sites and we will work around the formatting tool with code.

Thanks again, Klara!

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by Anonymous User
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We have it logged in the Hub team's back office system but it's being worked as a regression so I hope to have a fix soon. 

If you need an official bug number we will work with our support business partners.