Within a hub site I want to use Summary Stats on key indicators. For example, gathering river level sensor data that's polled every 10 minutes, I want to show the current battery "minimum" battery level within the last 10 minutes.
I setup virtualisation layers for the elements I want, and they are showing the correct data.
Unfortunately, when I set-up a Summary Stat and point directly at the virtualisation layer, the summary pulls through all the data from the original source layer. It's really frustrating - especially when the virt layer shows only one data entry and it's correct.
Is there anyway around this?
Solved! Go to Solution.
try making a feature service view in ArcGIS Online with a "View Definition" of the dynamic time filter. Then setup the summary statistic to use the view instead of the source data
It's a workaround....we do want better filtering and options but haven't gotten to that backlog item yet.
try making a feature service view in ArcGIS Online with a "View Definition" of the dynamic time filter. Then setup the summary statistic to use the view instead of the source data
It's a workaround....we do want better filtering and options but haven't gotten to that backlog item yet.
Graham Hudgins , thank you for your reply. View Definition has given me exactly what I wanted, though it did take me a moment to find. I now see the difference between Definition and Virtualisation (with filter).
The Stats cards are a great way of getting headline information into a hub site in an easily readable format, especially when the data is going out to communities or schools. I'm going to be cheeky here, and hope that graphs with the ability to show more than only element eg; high and low figures in in that backlog too. Will save me embedding PowerBI reports.
Once again, many thanks.
Graham Hudgins Hi, just thought it may be helpful to provide a comment a couple of months on. View Definitions have really been very useful, I don't know how I managed so long without them!
Thank you once again.