Hub's Python API is a Python library (arcgishub) that allows users to interact with their Hub and its items. The goal of the API is to empower Hub's users with Python methods to automate their Hub workflows and easily perform analysis in context of their Hub's content.
Currently the library allows users to create and manipulate initiatives, sites, events and indicators.
For sites, a user can create, fetch, search, update (item) and delete sites in Python. This API also supports cloning sites and initiatives across Hub Premium, Basic organizations as well as ArcGIS Enterprise deployments, as applicable.
We are looking to provide support for Site Editing and would love to hear your thoughts and needs. Programmatically editing aspects of a site can allow mass editing of sites in an organization (e.g. edit a particular text card to reflect new Mayor name across all sites). Other potential uses of site editing in Python may involve adding/deleting new rows and cards to your site layout.
Similarly, we would like to learn more about your requirements and your specific workflows for site editing that you would prefer automating with the Python API. Understanding your requirements will help us continue building a lovable Hub for developers.
Go ahead, and make your 'site editing in Python' wishes!