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"Site Translation" button on ArcGIS Hub

10-05-2020 10:42 AM
Occasional Contributor

Is there an option to move the site translation button on Hub pages? Currently, it is placed to the left-middle side of the page. And if there are elements of the page that are set to "wide" instead of "box", the button gets in the way.

Currently, I have a dashboard application created through AGOL, which is embedded in a hub page, and I have the setting set to "wide" for the element. The site translation button gets overlaid on top of category selectors and are thus hidden.

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2 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi Jovana Burz‌ -- there isn't an option to configure the placement of the button on desktop at this time.  Typically the left tabs are reserved for always present content interactions which don't interfere with the configurability of the page; however, it's clear in your case that is actually causing conflict.

I'll make a note on the feature to consider in the future.

Occasional Contributor

Thanks Brian for the quick response! I will work with what I can for now!

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