I was informed on our Open Data site that out Subdivision/Condo polygon layer is being downloaded as a polyline layer. Have never heard anyone say this before about this layer and our site has been up for about 2 years. Anyone have this issue before?
Here's the REST URL: https://loraincountyauditor.com/arcgis/rest/services/Subdvisions_Condominiums/FeatureServer/0
Here's the Overview tab in AGOL that shows it's a polygon as well:
Polygon Layer
Here's URL to that layer on our Open Data site:
#Thanks for any help
This is part of the response I got for a query where "YEAR" = 1919
# records: 16
[-9141222.31186397, 5069845.923964623] , [-9141222.747544937, 5069827.942339513] , [-9141222.960846914, 5069819.061472847] more...
ArcMap and Pro both show these as polygons, and are downloadable as polygons in Pro using Feature Class to Feature Class.
Downloading the data as shapefile results in a line shapefile, made up of the perimeters of the polygons. I would guess it's whoever made the shapefile and put it in the zip for ftp.