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Loading a jpeg into ARCGIS

10-27-2015 12:55 PM
New Contributor II

Hi All, I am trying to add a google image to a map document and then georeference it. The image is in a jpeg form and it is saved in the same geodatabase file which has all of the other associated project files, shapefiles, etc. However when I go to add the jpeg into arc, when the dialogue box opens the jpeg is not shown. For some reason arcgis is not recognizing the jpeg. should I convert the image to another form before bringing it into ARC?  any advice on this?

thanks very much, Brendan

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3 Replies
MVP Honored Contributor
The image is in a jpeg form and it is saved in the same geodatabase file which has all of the other associated project files, shapefiles, etc.

There is something fishy going on here, mostly to do with terminology. You cannot have a jpeg inside a geodatabase. Once you import a jpeg into a gdb it is converted to a geodatabase raster. You cannot simply drag and drop a jpeg into a gdb folder. So, my main is: do you have a jpeg in a folder, a geodatabase raster in a geodatabase, or an incorrectly imported jpeg sitting in a geodatabase?

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MVP Regular Contributor

Agreeing with Darren Wiens​.  First get that JPEG out of the GDB into a normal folder (export it if you have to), then you can add it to Desktop for georeferencing.

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New Contributor II

Thanks Guys for your help. I didn't realize jpegs didn't work in ARC. I did what you said and moved the jpeg out of the GDB into another folder, and then imported the jpeg into the GDB. I then dragged it into my map doc. Then I exported the layer to a tiff file. which worked a treat



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