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Hub Post Content Not Loading 404 Error

08-25-2021 12:50 PM
Emerging Contributor

I am building an Open Data website and have uploaded tables to ArcGIS online and then added the tables to my Open Data folder. All the tables also have a "public" sharing feature. However, the site is now giving me a 404 error for the most recent two out of my three tables, and I'm not sure why. The other table and other content loads properly. Here is a link to the open data site, filtered to only table content:

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5 Replies
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Could you share the site publicly? I'm not able to access the url.

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Emerging Contributor
Just published publicly!
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Could you tell me a bit more about how you added this item? I'm seeing some oddities in the service url but I'm not sure what's causing them.

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Emerging Contributor
I added this item using the content uploader on ArcGIS online, and then changed the sharing settings to public and added the file to my Open Data content folder that’s connected to the site.
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Sorry for the delayed update, but we think we've identified the cause of the issue. It appears as if the tables on your site all have a mismatch between the field type and the SQL type which is causing errors in our indexing system. I was able to resolve the issue by downloading your content and uploading again to our development environment, so the working theory is that something went awry at time of upload.

Would you be able to send one of the datasets you uploaded originally to I'd like to see if I can reproduce the issue to help guide my recommendations moving forward.

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