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Harvesting data via data.json endpoint

12-15-2015 07:47 AM
Deactivated User


Our organisation's Esri Open Data site is harvested by our National Open Data portal (built using CKAN) via the data.json endpoint.

When users then try to access data (in a variety of formats including GeoJSON, shapefile in zip file etc) for the 1st time via the national OD portal (either preview or physical download of the data) the following error message appears:

{"processing_time":"0 seconds","count":0,"generating":{},"status":"Processing"}

When the user then attempts to access the same data a 2nd time the file will successfully preview / download and will work for all subsequent users.

We have experienced similar download issues directly within our own Esri Open Data site ( as well as via the national CKAN portal.  Is there a way to ensure the physical files (.shp, KML, GeoJSON etc) are generated on the server side ready for access to prevent this issue when the 1st user request is made & fails?


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