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Gallery card download option not working

08-12-2022 10:28 AM
Occasional Contributor


I was trying to include a gallery card in a public facing Hub to allow community members to download some promotional image and pdf resources (like a media toolkit) for an event. I originally thought it worked, but when a co-worker tested it, they needed to sign into AGO first to access the resources. We had a few more people test it and some were able to access the resources, but others were prompted to sign in first. At first I thought it was an issue with desktop vs mobile (worked on desktop but not mobile), but when I used an incognito window on desktop, it didn’t work either. All of the items are shared publicly and are in the Content folder for the Hub site.

I’ve never had an issue with publicly shared items from my organization not being accessible to everyone before, but this is the first time I’ve tried a gallery card. The only thing I can think of is that my AGO organization does not allow anonymous access to the organization website, and since the gallery card pulls from the Content folder, it doesn’t work unless signed in.

I've used plan B for this project, but any info on this issue would be greatly appreciated for future projects.


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