We have created custom collapsible buttons within a text card on several hub pages. They were working fine until today, so not sure if it is related to an update or bug?
When we go into the code view, we noticed that all the #'s in the data-targets have changed to %23. If we try to change back to a #, once we save it, it just goes back to %23 again.
For example, the "#general" shown below has been changed to "%23general":
<button data-toggle="collapse" class="button" data-target="#general"><strong>General</strong></button>
<div id="general" class="collapse" style="">
- a table is included within this div.
Solved! Go to Solution.
can you try to edit it now and put the `#` back in? We just pushed a hotfix for this
edit: wow that's a neat effect
we're looking into this. we have made sanitizer updates a few months ago or it could be something else. give me a few to get back to you
can you try to edit it now and put the `#` back in? We just pushed a hotfix for this
edit: wow that's a neat effect
Thanks Graham, I was able to save it with the # and it's working properly again.
We went with the collapsible buttons because it seems to work well with the sections that have a lot of content, and allows the user to expand only what they're interested in reading.
Thanks for the quick resolution!
Hi Melissa, these collapsible buttons sound interesting to me. I poked around on your public site but couldn't find and example. If you do have a public example, would you mind sharing that?
Hi Jennifer,
We did recently release some pages that use these buttons (but haven't added the links yet from our main GeoHub page). Here is a direct link to one of the pages, and it will take you directly to the Action Items section that contains the buttons: Nurturing Neighbourhood Program
Neighbourhood comments were collected from citizens and tracked in a large excel table, but for display purposes we thought buttons that you could expand would be easier to read on this page (and the user can just select what they are interested in).
Very exciting and fantastic tool Melissa! How did you customize the buttons to be collapsible?