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Can't Download from OpenData

10-24-2017 07:05 AM
Emerging Contributor


I have a contour layer on OpenData being pulled in from a map service running on one of our servers via ArcGIS for Server: 

Whenever I try to download it attempts to gather the data for a moment, but eventually fails. I've set my download cache to manual and updated the index through the admin tools, but that doesn't seem to have fixed anything. I've noticed a few people have had this issue before, and occasionally somebody as ESRI was able to remedy the problem. I'm hoping this will be the case here. If not, maybe someone can offer some suggestions on how to fix it on my end.

Thanks in advance,

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2 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Hi Rich,

Your downloads are failing because the following request to your map server fails: 

I recommend filing a support ticket to resolve this issue. Short of that, take a look at your ArcGIS Server logs to see if there are any errors.

You should have seen this message in the Data Manager portion of ArcGIS Hub Admin. Did you see a message related to this dataset?

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Emerging Contributor

Hi Daniel,

No errors to report within the ArcGIS Hub Admin tool, but plenty in my ArcGIS Server log files (timeouts, out of memory errors..). So that at least gives me a place to start looking. Thanks for the help!


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