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Can Organization Members Subscribe to an Initiative? ArcGIS Hub

01-13-2022 11:42 AM
Frequent Contributor

We created a Hub site for our GIS Dept for a local government. Still on Hub basic, considering premium. One ask from our users is if they could subscribe to get updates when events or info is added to the site, it looks like that is possible but restricted to community accounts via initiatives. Is that ONLY for community accounts? We use Enterprise. We wouldn't want our users to create a separate community account, especially since we have like 1,200

What is the extent of the subscription updates? Is it like a webhook when an event is added, or is it just like when a creator would manually send out an email or message to the following/core/content group?

Teresa Blader
Olmsted County GIS Specialist
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2 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi Teresa, 

The ability to message followers of an initiative is only a Hub Premium capability, and Hub Premium is only available with ArcGIS Online at this time.  Also, Hub Premium community users can't be used by staff or contractors.  

All that said, we are considering the availability of Hub Premium with ArcGIS Enterprise, so I would appreciate hearing more about your use case.  I will reach out.  

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Frequent Contributor

Hi I replied to your email. Hopefully the clarification makes sense, but we don't need it for Enterprise.... we just have users who already have an account who may want to subscribe to initiatives. Do they need to create a community account in order to subscribe or could they subscribe with their pre-existing AGOL organization accounts? What does subscribing to an initiative actually do functionally? Is it just like adding your self to a email list or does it sign you up for webhooks?  

Teresa Blader
Olmsted County GIS Specialist
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