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ArcGIS Hub Sign Up: Enforce ArcGIS Online Username Format

08-30-2024 07:22 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

ArcGIS Online allows an organisation to specify a required username format (i.e. firstname.lastname).

When we manually invite users, we have to adhere to the underlying ArcGIS Online rule.

However, when our users sign-up to our hub initiative (via the sign in widget) there are no controls on their username format.

This makes it more difficult to support our users, undertake account management and represents a business risk as the user may select an inappropriate user name.

Ideally, the sign-up widget would allow us to control the username of members. This would allow us to configure the username, for example, including their primary imitative:

<initiative name>.<first name>.<last name>.

At a minimum, the automatic sign -up processes should respect the underlying organisational AGOL settings.

1 Comment

I agree this would be really useful. Even looking through a list of Members and searching by user's actual names or usernames means ones with nonstandard names (e.g. 'wigglyworm2000' or whatever) are hard to attribute to the real person beneath the username on occasion. This makes assigning users to the correct groups becomes more challenging.