Thanks for your response, Steve. I recall that when I was having this problem initially that the progress bar did one of two things 1) absolutely nothing, or 2) flashed across from left to right almost too fast to track (in < 1 second). However, I decided to return to the GA Layers to be sure. By using right click > Method Properties, I cycled through the Wizard to get the Cross Validation Results, and I was then able to export successfully to a file geodatabase! I cannot think of anything I was doing wrong or differently before, but my best guess is that the machine or software either had a hiccup, or that it paused for so long that I decided it was not working. I wish I knew what could cause this, but right now I am glad to be getting the results out.
On a related topic, is there a way to export model statistics such as Prediction Error, etc. that would eliminate the need to go through ArcMap via the Cross Validation Comparison tool? I am having difficulty with Cross Validation Comparison right now, such as an empty window when I open up two recent models (I have XV Results and Grids for both models, and so I am confident they should be available for comparison): [ATTACH=CONFIG]14505[/ATTACH]. Exporting these statistics would also be helpful because I would like to compare more than one model side-by-side rather than selecting only two at a time. A final general question, does this type of inconsistent behavior (i.e. empty comparison windows, and failure to export feature classes reliably) point to any type of common cause or fix for either my ArcGIS installation or machine settings? For example, the IT department has already tried a video card driver update. Thanks again!