I believe there is still a bug in the adaptor affecting the RMC NMEA format translation. GGA works with no issues, but from looking at the code on github for the NMEAGPRMCMessageTranslator.java file I notice on line 44 it says:geoEvent.setField(i++, toPoint(data[3], data[5], "N".equals(data[4]), "E".equals(data[6])));
I'm looking at the strings my GPS device is sending and in field 6 I have "W" not "E". I think this is causing the connector to error out. If so, I would think the "N" could be an "S" as well and cause the same issue. GGA works fine. I can't test GLL because my device doesn't support it. I do get errors in my GeoEvent Processor logs that read "Exception while translating a NMEA message : NMEAGPRMC message data is invalid." Here is a sample of the data I am getting from the GPS:$GPRMC,052037.0,A,3029.916471,N,09032.533741,W,0.0,,060614,,,A*5F
Any help is much appreciated!