I have been struggling with trying to get basic authentication setup for one of my geoevent server inputs. The input is Receive JSON on a REST Endpoint. I noticed that I can create a copy of the connector and update the settings with Basic Auth enabled but my input still accepts requests when no credentials are provided. I'm including a picture that illustrates how the connector is configured. I am currently running 10.6.1 with plans to migrate to 10.7 later in the year. Thanks in advance for any helpful responses.
GeoEvent Server's JSON receivers do not perform any authentication. The out-of-the-box Receive JSON on a REST Endpoint inbound connector you copied and modified to use the HTTP-BasicAuthentication transport needs to be configured to run in Client mode with its HTTP Method parameter configured for HTTP/GET.
When configured as a polling input the connector's transport will send whatever text you have entered as the User and Password property values to the external web server / web service so that it can authenticate GeoEvent Server's request. I suspect that you have left the input configured as a receiving input, so the connector's transport is ignoring the credentials you've specified.
Hope this information is helpful –