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Get Geometry from Geofence

04-06-2024 12:52 AM
Regular Contributor

I want to intersect an AVL point with a polygon, how ever I want my output (GeoTagg or any other processes) to contain the geometry of the intersected geofence not only the AVL point

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Esri Regular Contributor

@Moi_Nccncc --

You are asking if an event record you've received, containing a polygonal area, can be enriched with the geometry of a point geofence to produce an event record with two Geometry attributes?

An event record in GeoEvent Server is allowed to have more that one field whose type is Geometry, but feature records require that their geometry be referenced by name as 'geometry' -- so you will have to first transfer the event record's geometry to some other named attribute field to avoid overwriting the event record's geometry with a feature record's geometry.

If you were to use a GeoTagger processor to enrich the event record (polygon geometry) with the name of a single geofence (point geometry) that shares a spatial relationship with the event record (e.g. a point geofence which intersects the event record's polygon) you could use a Field Mapper to make sure attribute fields you want to pull into the event record exist, then use a Field Enricher configured to write to 'Existing Fields' to fetch those named attribute values from whatever feature record you used to register the geofence originally. The workflow I think you're looking for would be something like:

  • GeoTagger (to get the name of one specific geofence you can use as a key for an attribute join)

  • Field Mapper (to map the event record's geometry to a field named something other than 'geometry').
    • Also to add fields to the event record which exist in the feature record schema whose data you want to import. It is a best practice to configure Field Mapper to write to 'Existing Fields' rather than allow the processor to create a managed GeoEvent Definition for you.

  • Field Enricher (to pull attribute data from an identified feature record into the existing attribute fields)

If multiple point features intersect an event record's polygon, the GeoTagger will find multiple registered geofences which satisfy its spatial relationship (e.g. Intersects Any). The resulting comma separated list of geofence names you get from the GeoTagger means that you do not have a single unique value to use as the key for the attribute join the Field Enricher needs to perform its operation.

You could use a Field Splitter to split the comma delimited string and produce several individual event records, each with exactly one named geofence, then enrich each of those event records with attributes you pull from the feature record(s) you originally used to register your geofences.

I would strongly recommend that you ask your Customer Service Representative about options to connect with a technical advisor or Professional Services Delivery consultant who can help you with the sort of operations you are attempting to configure GeoEvent Server to perform.

-- RJ

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