We have a marine traffic service with all ships navigating an area (geoevent input). We define a reduced area (geofence) where our ships are working, and we want to send an email (geoevent output) to our project manager when other ship enters this reduced area. We can send an email when every ship enter the reduced area, but we could not detect when a ship in not from our fleet to correctly send the email. Is there any combination of processors and filters to do this? We try with field enricher but it is not possible to know every ID of every ship that could navigate the area.
Thanks in advance.
To be clear i don't know anything about Geoevent, but could use a not statement with the ids of your ships?
The result field enricher with a database table is one of two geo definitions. One for the ID's in the table (join) and other for others. The we put a filter to test the output geo definition name to know if it is one ship of our fleet or not.