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Add "Who Wore it Best Functionality" to Test GeoEvent Services Resource Utilization

12-14-2023 10:47 AM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

As we're all aware, there's a thousand ways to skin the GIS cat. Having an ability to measure the resource consumption of a GeoEvent Service (ideally with a pre-programmed & repeatable feed) would allow users to better optimize their GeoEvent Services and pursue different implementation strategies.

This can be encapsulated into the following thought; should you pre-program your geofences or create them ad-hoc within the service? Obviously the answer is, it depends. Which is kind of a non-answer. We can whiteboard and conceptualize different ways to accomplish a task and list likely considerations but most users will not have a great understanding of which operations are more performant. While there is an argument for, if it works, it works. There are plenty of shops what would like to minimize resource utilization, a tool to measure that would help them achieve that goal through better prototyping.