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New Processor Documentation

02-13-2020 03:02 PM
Esri Contributor
1 0 524

Back in June of 2019, at the 10.7.1 release of ArcGIS GeoEvent Server, we shared the news of new documentation for the available out-of-the-box input and output connectors. Today, we are happy to announce new and expanded documentation for each of the available processors in GeoEvent Server 10.8. Like the connector documentation, each processor now has expanded information to help you properly configure the processor. Access the new processor documentation by visiting What are Processors? where you can access links to each individual processor you may be interested in.

Processors at ArcGIS GeoEvent Server 10.8

Alternatively, you can access the new processor help directly in ArcGIS GeoEvent Manager when editing or configuring a new processor. Simply click the Help button in the processor property dialog to expand the embedded help. It's important to note that even though this new documentation is available with the 10.8 release, the information is still applicable to previous versions as well.

The new processor documentation follows the same format and style as the input and output connector documentation that you may already be familiar with. First, you’ll see a general summary as well as some example use cases for each processor. Beneath that you'll find detailed usage notes. These notes are intended to provide some extra contextual information for successful configuration of each processor.

New processor summary and examples with the 10.8 release of ArcGIS GeoEvent Server.

Following the usage notes, is a parameters table that includes detailed information about the parameters for each processor, what each parameter does, options to configure it, and more. The parameter table list all of the available parameters, meaning you can learn about all the parameters that are shown by default in additional to all of the conditional parameters that are initially hidden due to their dependencies on other parameters.

New processor parameter help at ArcGIS GeoEvent Server 10.8

We recognize that many of the available processors have their own nuances and quirks, so we’ve included a final section that details various considerations and limitations. This information is intended to provide some additional context about how the processor fundamentally works, and therefore, will hopefully help guide how you approach incorporating it into your GeoEvent Services.

New processor considerations and limitations documentation at the 10.8 release of ArcGIS GeoEvent Server

As with our input and output connectors, you can find step-by-step tutorials on how to configure many of the available processors on the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server Gallery.

About the Author
ArcGIS GeoEvent Server Product Owner & member of the Real-Time GIS team.