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Using Mobile Caches as Basemaps in 10.2

10-13-2013 06:01 PM
Frequent Contributor
I can't see it, but can we have mobile caches as basemaps that are already copied to the device in 10.2?

I can see you can do it with tile caches and navmap like in 10.1.1 etc.

We can't use tile caches because they would be something like 100-200GB while a tile cache will be 300-400megs.

Don't want to have to upload huge mobile cache basemaps to AGOL and Server to have to download them again to 80+ devices.
Peter T, Brisbane
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3 Replies
Frequent Contributor
Hi CommSafety,

Yes you can use a mobile cache as a basemap, The idea is to turn the layer(s) into read only reference layer(s). To do so:

  1. Add the cache to a project in Mobile Project Center

  2. On the left panel, click the layer you want

  3. Click on the Layer tab

  4. Click "Provides read-only reference information"

  5. Repeat the steps above for other layers you want

That way when you open the project in the field application, the layer(s) will become vector-based basemap.


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Frequent Contributor
No that's not what I meant above (that's my other login above).

There's an option to have a base map that's already on the device so you don't have to upload it to your server or arcgis online and then download it again.  You currently can do it with tile caches, but not mobile caches.

Saves you having to upload and download your large base maps.
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Occasional Contributor
Hi Peter,

Refer to my answer to your other post 🙂
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