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Related tables in ArcGIS Mobile for Windows

08-02-2011 04:18 PM
Esri Regular Contributor
ArcGIS Mobile for Windows 10.0, Related Tables question.

We have a client who is performing inspections in the field. The inspections occur over a period of three months on the same site each time. Each time an inspection is performed a new attribute record needs to be created. The ideal fit for such a solution is to create a primary geometric feature class and then create a relationship class to an attribute table. This then enables a new set of records to be created for each inspection.

I configured a relationship class in the geodatabase to link to the primary geometric feature. I configured the domains that go along with the attribute table. It was then incorporated into a web and mobile service. When I get to the mobile project centre, I cannot seem to access the related tables. From reading it appears that related tables are not supported by the ArcGIS Mobile for Windows solution at 10.0. Is this the case? If so has anyone found a solution for related tables in ArcGIS Mobile for Windows?

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1 Reply
Regular Contributor
Related tables are not supported in the current version of ArcGIS Mobile. But they may be supported in the future. There are two solutions thought:

1) Instead of using a related table, use a FeatureClass instead, in which you can make one, point to be a dummy, and then use it as a table.

2) Search here on the forums on how to implement the related table workaround. I believe there are one or two posts on  how to do this.

I personally just went with the featureclass technique.
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