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MobileWeb JSON format examples

08-31-2011 05:50 AM
New Contributor II
I'm trying to get the popups to display some field information from the polygons selected. Any example on how to do this? I found the document explaining how to create a basic JSON but it doesn't explain the popus. Version used is ArcGIS Server10.
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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
Hello Jeff,

This is probably the one part of setting up mobile for iOS or Windows Phone that is the least well documented that I have found. However, here is a good example of a JSON with pop-ups

I think this is an area where ESRI needs better documentation. If you missing one comma or bracket then the JSON will not work

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New Contributor II
Thanks Gordon, that's a great start. I'm noticed that on the iPhone or iPad, when you tap on the map, you get the location information, no matter what polygons are present. Is there a way to configure the popup to display the polygon information when you tap on it?
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