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Is it possible to debug an ArcGIS Mobile Task in Visual Studio

02-01-2011 03:04 AM
New Contributor
I have created an ArcGIS Mobile application for Windows Mobile 6 using only the Esri.ArcGIS.Mobile assembly. Debugging works fine in Visual Studio.

When I try to develop my own Task using the Esri.ArcGIS.Mobile.Client assembly, the project output is a dll and should be added to a project in the project center or in the .ame file.

Now, my question is: Is it possible to use debugging in Visual Studio when developing a task for Windows Mobile 6?
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11 Replies
New Contributor
I've tried debugging a custom task in Windows 7, no problems. You need to do three things:
1. Create a project with the task added correctly.
2. In project properties, set the Build output to [ArcGIS Install path]\Mobile10.0\bin\
3. In debug properties, select "Start external program" as start action and set the path to [ArcGIS Install path]\Mobile10.0\bin\ArcGISMobile.exe
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New Contributor III
Thank you so much for the detailed instructions. This works for even Extensions, which is the majority of the work I do. It's been about 7 months of programming without being able to Debug!

I really owe you one for this!


Akhil P.
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