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GPS issue on ArcGIS for Windows Mobile 10.2.1

05-07-2017 09:16 PM
Emerging Contributor



We are upgrading our existing solution which was developed in ArcGIS for Windows mobile 10.0 to ArcGIS for Windows Mobile 10.2.1.


In ArcGIS for Windows mobile 10.0 version there is a dll named "ESRIMobileGPS.dll" at SDK installed location C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Mobile10.0\bin, But in ArcGIS for Windows mobile 10.2.1 version this dll(ESRIMobileGPS.dll) is missing at application install path C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Mobile10.2.1\bin, and another dll named "esrigps.dll" present.


Is ESRIMobileGPS.dll is renamed as esrigps.dll in version 10.2.1?


Usually when we deploy the application we include all required dlls(ESRIMobileCore.dll, ESRI.ARCGIS.Runtime.PE.dll, ESRI.ArcGIS.Runtime.Geometry.dll, ESRI.ArcGIS.Runtime.SG.dll and ESRIMobileSdc.dll) in setup file and execute this setup on device( currently we are using Panasonic Toughbook). Currently we are including esrigps.dll along with other dlls in setup file as ESRIMobileGPS.dll is not available in ArcGIS for Windows Mobile 10.2.1


After installing my upgraded application on Panasonic Toughbook, all functionalities of my application working properly except GPS functionality, it is throwing an exception "Specified method is not supported."  while opening the serialport connection  serialPortGpsConnection1.Open();





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