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GPS error has occurred.  Would you like to try to reconnect?

01-06-2012 03:41 AM
New Contributor III
While using ArcGIS Mobile for Windows (out of the box), I am constantly having to close the GPS Error dialog.

Since I am only using the GPS to assist with locating the user on the map, and not for accurate data collection, is there a way to intercept this dialog and pacify it by simulating a "Yes" button click in code?  I'd like to shield the user from having to click the button to cancel the dialog every time.  Are there any code samples available to show how to do this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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4 Replies
Occasional Contributor
You could try to disable the Automatic GPS connect in your device ArcMobile. Then YOU have to connect when you need the GPS.

But to get the position you need the GPS ON and the "failure" you mention is ONLY when the GPS has no 3D fix at the it will (or should) only be temporary in the beginning.
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New Contributor III
Unfortunately, we need the GPS to be on all the time as the users will be driving down the road collecting various attributes.  Leaving the GPS off for the majority of the time just isn't feasible.

What is interesting, is we're using laptops with GOBI 2000 and 3000 chipsets which apparently have a really hard time keeping a decent GPS fix, even out in the open.  We've hooked a generic USB GPS puck with a SiRF Star III chipset to one of the laptops and don't have nearly the issues we have with the GOBIs, but we still see it.  It isn't even an issue with not having a GPS fix per se, but how the hardware handles losing that fix.  The GOBIs almost seem to close the COM port for a second which fires the error in Mobile, whereas the SiRF chipset just sends NMEA sentences with no information.  Unfortunately, we're locked in to having to use the built in GOBI hardware, so we need a way to intercept these error dialogs quietly in the background and keep trying the GPS. 

This isn't an issue with the SDK, as I have no problem catching GPS errors in a friendly way...I just need to know how to do the same in the Mobile for Windows framework which is an entirely different animal when it comes to developing.


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New Contributor III
I've managed to minimize if not completely get rid of this error now by configuring sentence updates from the GPS from 3 seconds (the default) to 1 second.  I have been able to run Mobile for many hours without receiving the error dialogs now. 

I do feel however that it would be beneficial if Mobile had a couple of configurable settings such as "GPS Timeout" and "Ignore GPS Errors".  I don't see why Mobile OOTB could handle bad GPS data the way Mobile SDK does, but showing an exclamation point (!) in the center of the screen instead of popping up a dialog every time something goes wrong.  It would sure improve the usability in cases like this.

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Esri Contributor
Excellent news Doug!

We have logged this as an enhancement for the ArcGIS Mobile Tablet App.

Thanks for your perseverance and patience on this matter.

Martin Copping
Product Manager, ArcGIS Online - Dashboards
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