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Why the hotspot map can not show in IE with EM4C 5.0.1?

11-07-2013 04:52 PM
Deactivated User
When I run the report with hotspot layer in IE9, it bombs a box to me. It says that some IE settings don't support the hotspot map?

  Is it possible to show the hotspot map in IE9??
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3 Replies
Deactivated User
Any one got this issue fixed. I cannot add heat map using IE. It works fine in Mozilla.

Thank you!!!
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Deactivated User
Thank you for the response.

We cannot ask users to use Mozilla or any other browser, do we have any other solution for the fix or we have to live with it.
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Deactivated User

I have similar issue with Internet Explorer 10 (Version 10.0.9200.16897).

I am using the ESRI Map plugin 5.01. as well with Cognos Version 10.2.1

Below the screenshot of the error:

Heatmap Error ESRI Maps for COGNOS plugin version 501.png

Any inside or fix will be highly appreciated.


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