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Which ArcGIS Server Version is Needed

10-09-2013 02:10 AM
Deactivated User
Dear All

We are planning to use the new Esri Maps for MicroStrategy plugin that was released just recently by Esri.

We don't know and find no resources about which ArcGIS server version is required for it to work properly. Is it 10.1 or 10.2?

Our MicroStrategy version is 9.3.1 with Hotfix 2.

Thanks for your support.

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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor
You need ArcGIS Online Subscription. ArcGIS Online provides an online infrastructure for making maps and geographic information available throughout an organization, across a community, and openly on the web. Esri Maps for MicroStrategy works directly with your organization's ArcGIS subscription to allow you to access geographic content to enhance your business data. See this online help and also if you have time watch this video for more details.
Pavan Yadav
Product Engineer at Esri
AI for Imagery
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