Optimization for speed

10-26-2012 06:21 AM
New Contributor III
We will potentially have more than the thousand threshold of items in certain lists and even
for lists that only have a few hundred, loading speed has become an issue.

For now, we have deactivated layers by default, leaving it up to the user to select.
Also, clustering seems to help with speed - although when you use clustering on several layers,
the symbology looks very similar.

Just wanted to get some insight into strategies that may be used to optimize server speed and
optimize the use of Arcgis for Sharepoint in regards to speed.

Any server settings that should be looked at that could affect speed?
Any ArcGIS for Sharepoint techniques that may have not been considered?
Default loading progress circle seems to take a while to show also - any loaders that people are using that will show right away?
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