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Latitude Longitude location type not available - Help - How to make it available

12-24-2013 07:30 AM
Emerging Contributor

Please advise what to do, so that the Latitude Longitude location type is available for selection when adding IBM Cognos Data.

When I add IBM Cognos data, I am able to search for location types based on my organization's registered feature services.
However, I am not seeing the "Latitude Longitude" location type.

How to make the "Latitude Longitude" location type available for mapping IBM Cognos point location data.

We have IBM Cognos 10.2.1 with FP1, ESRI Maps 5.01 updated for FP1.

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1 Reply
Emerging Contributor
Created a ticket and got guidance from the analyst.
Here are the troubleshooting steps.

1. Opened up the configuration in chrome and user developer tools to check the request and response when the IBM cognos data is added.
2. the request to for the locationtype.xml was having problems.
3. changed the proxy server settings to allow all connections to

The problem got rectified. We are now able to see all the location types defined in the locationtype.xml

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