Web Map Active Layers Not Observed

08-03-2022 01:59 PM
MVP Honored Contributor

As we add a Web Map, all the data is drawn, not the specific layers turned on in the web map.  Can we get either the layers turned on to be observed from the web, or allow us to zoom into the data and turn the layers on manually when we have changed the extent.  Currently, I am stuck zoomed further out and I am unable to interact with the Web Map until all the data is drawn.  This is a limitation.  


I should say when I add the web map, it does not appear that the web map is being added but the layers in the web map are added and draw.  Although, it takes so long for the draw to happen, we ultimatley kill A4A.  


Another enhancement would be to embed the symbolgy in the web map, rather than just extracting the layers from the web map, which would be another way to observe the symbology from the Feature Service, just a different approach.  


Hey Ted, 

ArcGIS for AutoCAD does not supporting adding or working with webmaps. We only support some of the layers that can go into a webmap. Map Image layers, Feature Layers, Imagery layers. 

Is there a specific layer type you are adding an having trouble with? Additionally the symbols in the Map layer are controlled by the service. We don't do anything to change what it looks like, we just request an image of the map at your current view and display that in AutoCAD. If you are having trouble with that I would look at the settings on your service. If you are editing the look of the services in a webmap that won't affect the service as that info is apart of the webmap and we do not support webmaps. 

If you are bringing in a feature service, then yes the symbol will not come across as we are drawing true AutoCAD linework (points, polylines etc) and do not have a way to generate ArcGIS Symbols as AutoCAD linework. 

Status changed to: Needs Clarification

We were able to add a web map called Map1, but the Map 1 was not added, what was added were the services from the Map, as you point out above.  The fact that I can add a Map, A4A should be able to reference the display settings of the data in the map or from the service, OR, web maps need to be hidden from us in our Portal