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DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced support in the Site Scan Flight app

02-02-2022 12:44 AM
Status: Open
Emerging Contributor

How soon can we expect the DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced  to be supported in the Site Scan flight app? We are so far very convinced of the possibilities of Site Scan. However, due to our often very steep operational terrain, we would definitely need the capabilities of reliable flight planning. 


Regards Benedikt

Status changed to: Under Consideration

Hi @BenediktEnglmeier

Support for the DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced isn't planned at this time, but suggesting it here is the best way for us to consider adding it in the future. 

We'll monitor this Idea for input and Kudos from other users. 

Thank you!


Support for this drone would be great, especially with regard to enterprise customers who often use such drones and not prosumer drones like the Mavic 2 Pro.


Hello all,

I am making very good progress regarding the use of our pilot in the operational environment. That is to say: I am implementing it!

But what would be really helpful: extend SiteScan's compatibility to current "stakeholders" and top dogs. There are such ancient drones supported that no one flies anymore and drones that are absolutely necessary are (according to forum statements) not yet supported....

Drones that are a MUST:

- Enterprise drone DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced (RTK included).

- Enterprise drone DJI M30T
- Consumer drone DJI Mavic 3

There's really no way around it!

Furthermore, the app on iOS is also good - but the integration via Android and thus directly executable on the SmartControllers long overdue. If the app runs directly on the controllers, you save on buying extra tablets and wiring and so on. In addition, with the new control of the M30T is also a platform created, which is enough for any tablet the water.

I urge you to position this with the developers. We have really big plans and then also scale to the entire group. That should be an incentive 


With kind regards

Carsten Hermanns, b. Haverkamp

Westnetz GmbH | Technology

"Ideas create the future"


The above post says it all. I fully understand the lack of compatibility due to a lack of SDK availability from DJI or other manufacturers, what concerns me is that all of the new DJI products that fall into the (ENTERPRISE) category such as the brand new MAVIC 3E are being released with a smart controller of some variety. They are also based on an android operating platform. I am a user of Site Scan as well as my coworkers through my employer and love the software. The problem is we are simply going to be forced out of utilizing site scan due to lack of compatibility with new products. The Matrice 210 is the platform I most commonly use with Site scan for mapping and modeling. However we also started using Site Scan and Field Maps for pipeline inspections where this large platform is very, very inconvenient. The Phantom 3 and 4 are dinosaurs at this point and the Mavic 3E is a much needed upgrade. The 210 is also dated at this point. The 300 I am aware of compatibility but what about future proofing the users of Site Scan by making a smart controller compatible version to operate directly on the 300 and Mavic 3E controllers as well as all future DJI Enterprise level solutions since this is obviously the direction it is going. I am sure that a valid reason exists as to why the “app” is IOS only but since the days of teathering an iPad to a controller are long over this seems to be a real problem. I am hoping that someone will respond to this with some real information about the future use of Site Scan for us. Again I am aware of support for the different platforms such as ALTA and we have one but the vast majority of the fleet is DJI products and I suspect is the same for most serious users of the platform. Any real information or feedback would be greatly appreciated about smart controller integration or “android” compatibility in the future as Site scan is a great product far superior to the competition especially for integration of other ESRI products for engineering purposes but is of no use if its only usable on seriously aging platforms that cant be replaced. I have personally kept platforms around and tried to keep them flying which is difficult due to lack of support of discontinued products. Again any real information would be GREATLY appreciated as I do not want to interrupt my workflow or be pushed into a rabbit hole of starting over with DJI TERRA which is clearly the goal of DJI. I will say that a competing UAV software photogrammetry service released a video with information about beta testing their new android platform directly on the DJI enterprise smart controller for the Mavic 3E three days ago so its obviously something doable. Thank you for any feedback that you can give.