Unable to Collect after building Form

01-25-2021 01:55 PM
Emerging Contributor

Error Message: This form contains unsupported data. 

I have an editable line layer in my editable offline map area. I can edit it offline by adding points, streaming and adding photos. As soon as I try to configure a form in the field maps web app, I am unable to edit the layer. After syncing the map to my form changes, I get a message when I try to collect saying "The form contains unsupported data".  


I have double checked to make sure everything meets the requirements for editing, the permissions are enabled etc. Everything should work. I created a form based on the attributes in the attribute table. I only have one form element right now. This is a simple task that should work.. I am not sure what is wrong here. 

49 Replies
Occasional Contributor

@Anonymous User Thanks for the quick reply!

Yes, I am running App Version 21.1.0, Build 385

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by Anonymous User
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You can share the map and layers with the arcgisfieldmaps user (via a group) and we can take a look. This might be a bug. Let me know the map and group name.

Occasional Contributor

Just addde you. Group: ESRI Support. Map: BGE RAMS Treatment Map

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by Anonymous User
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@VH_MapSIt looks like you have a form element in your form that is referencing a field named "TeatmentNotes" that does not exist in your feature layer. I made a copy of your map and removed that element and then the form worked correctly. So if you open your form in Field Maps web and delete that form element, it should save. I think we have issues in our backlog to have better validation when saving the form, if not I'll add an issue.

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Occasional Contributor

Ahh got it. I had deleted that from the Feature Layer after finding the typo. I guess I never removed it from the form.

Working on my end now. Thank you for the support!

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Occasional Contributor

Seems like I'm also experiencing this issue now after adding 3 new fields to my feature layer and adding them to the form, I get the "This form contains unsupported data" error and can't collect any data with the Field Maps app thereafter. When I remove the fields from the form the feature is able to collect data in Field Maps app again.

I have tried everything in this thread, but keep getting the same error. I have Field Maps 21.1.0 (Build 347) and also tried Field Maps Beta 21.2.0 (Build 370). 

Screenshot attached of the error and of my fields in the feature layer. The new fields are highlighted in the screenshot, the RdResRes field contains a list with 2 values.

@Anonymous User can you please have a look?

Thank you.

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Occasional Contributor

Update: I created a new feature layer ("RdResurfacing") from the old one giving the issue ("Road Resurface"), so that it is contains all the same fields etc. and added this new layer to the map. This new feature layer works 100% in Field Maps - screenshot attached. 

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hi @ReinhardtBotha can you share the map and layers that are causing issues with a group that includes "arcgisfieldmaps". I can take a look if you do that. You can also look in the troubleshooting logs in the app to see if a more detailed message is displayed there.

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Occasional Contributor

Hi @Anonymous User , thank you for the quick response!

I can't seem to replicate the issue anymore, after adding the old layer back in to the map and testing it on Field Maps it works as it should. However, this is the error that was saved in the log:

FeatureForms 15 Jun 2021 10:32:27 Road Resurface: formInfo references fields that are missing in the table: [RdResSam, RdResTons, RdResRes]

RdResSam, RdResTons and RdResRes are the new fields which was added to the feature layer.

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Occasional Contributor

Hi @Anonymous User , I have just added 2 new fields and am getting the same problem again now.

I've added you to my group "Tygerberg Hospital", the field map is called "Tygerberg Hospital Field Map" and the layer which is giving the issue is "RdResurfacing"

The error log from Field Maps shows:

FeatureForms 17 Jun 2021 10:47:34 Road Resurfacing: formInfo references fields that are missing in the table: [RdResLID, RdResThi]

Where RdResLID, RdResThi are the 2 new fields I added to the feature layer and added to the Form.

Could you please have a look it and advise what could be causing this. Thanks in advance.


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