I am trying to sync an offline map and once I select 'sync' the map doesn't sync and the data disappears.
Enterprise: 11.0
Platform: Android
Android Version: Android 13
Device: Pixel 6
Field Maps Version: 23.2.0
Looking in the server logs this is the error 'Error executing tool. Unregister Replica Job ID: j3c1cceeb4c854e5f846fcb469a8db3ae : {"errorCode":404,"description":"Cannot access the replica."} Failed to execute (Unregister Replica)'.
Thanks so much!
Alix Power
Hi @AlixPower1 ,
Seems like the replica geodatabase (where your edits get stored) might have become disconnected from the parent feature layer. This can occur if some schema updates have occured in the online feature layer (such as adding/deleting a field). If this has occured, the web map owner would need to re-create the offline map areas and the field user would need to re-download them again...
Can you comment if anything like this might have occurred?