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Field Maps Capability

03-24-2023 09:34 AM
Frequent Contributor

Good morning,

I am working on a product that both office and field staff can use during hurricane evacuations. I was thinking of using field maps for this but I haven't found a use case where what I want to do has been done. Below is the scenario:
Hurricane Gate Closure Scenario
  1. A contractor is dispatched to close the hurricane traffic control gate
  2. The contractor notifies the Agency office staff gate is closed
  3. Agency office staff marks the gate as a"Contractor Closed" in GIS (Maybe using field maps)
  4. An Agency Monitor verifies the gate is closed from the field and marks the gate as "Verified Closed" in GIS (maybe field maps)
  5. The process would then be the same to mark the gate as open
The majority of the time the map will always show the gates are open except during testing or when there is an actual coastal evacuation due to a hurricane.
Additionally, I am unable to give the contractors access to the GIS system
Is this something that field maps could be used for or is there a better option I am not thinking of?
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1 Reply
MVP Regular Contributor

You can use layers, layer views, web maps (and apps) to achieve this.

Additionally, I am unable to give the contractors access to the GIS system
How can they update it then? You could have a webhook for a survey, but this basically means you are providing access... otherwise I assume they dial in and step 3 occurs
Step 3, office staff are not likely to use field maps as they are not in the field. A Web Mapping application with editing would be better. They can change the status.
Step 4, yes field maps is good here.
You can use any combination of layers/maps/apps/field maps to achieve the above. 
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