Is it possible to return the area of a new feature in acres to a field as the feature is being created? I've been trying to accomplish this with:
return round(AreaGeodetic($feature, 'acres'),2)
It doesn't return anything on feature creation or editing of an existing feature. Thanks for any help!
Is your data in the right coordinate system? From AreaGeodetic:
Support is limited to geometries with a Web Mercator (wkid 3857) or a WGS 84 (wkid 4326) spatial reference.
Does it work if you use Area instead?
The data is in WGS 84. Using Area had the same results.
Interesting. Tried to test with round(Area($feature, 'acres'),2) and is working, BUT, only if I add the vertices correctly. If I create a polygon in a counter clockwise direction, the area reports as negative, if I add points in clockwise direction, they are positive units. ??????