Hello GIS friends,
Good morning!
I have a feature service with relational tables. The purpose of this feature service is to help in the eradication of an invasive plant (cogongrass) species from Alabama.
Here is how it works: Folks collect and treat the invasive species point feature using Field Maps. First, they collect the invasive species point feature, and then, they record its treatment on a relational table. Most of the times, treatment method to eradicate the invasive species spot is the same, as a result, they want to be able to copy the treatment record from the relational table to the newly collected invasive species feature relational table. I know, in Field Maps there is a way to copy a point feature's attributes to a new point feature, but is there a way to also copy the treatment record attributes from the relation table to a new feature?
Thank you for your help.
Hi Abi,
Thank you for your question. You are correct that you can copy a point feature's attributes to a new point, but the same functionality doesn't work across related records. The option is available to copy a related record in the same feature, but not to another feature, like you were asking about. I would recommend adding this idea to the ArcGIS Ideas Page.
I just did. I put it in two different places. Under geodatabase and under Field Maps. I hope it gets noticed.
Thank you.
Post a link to your ideas, I'll vote for them! I'd like this functionality.