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Cannot Download Offline Areas Onto Device at Enterprise 11.1

10-10-2023 01:26 PM
Occasional Contributor

Has anyone on arcgis enterprise 11.1 had issues downloading offline areas created in the desktop fieldmaps app onto a device (in my case iphone se @ ios 17.0.3)? The downloads were working fine before upgrading to enterprise 11.1. Essentially the download will start and progress as expected, then it gets to about 98%, stops downloading, sits there, then just sort of times out. No error message is given. File size of the offline area does not seem to make any difference (same behavior on files less than 4 mb and files over 100 mb). So buggy... 😞 Thanks

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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor III

Yes! The offline process used to work ok for us though we didn't use a great deal, then all of a sudden some time around June users who had previously downloaded a map couldn't sync their edits to the Portal. During my initial attempts to investigate we then seemed to lose the ability to even download offline areas - pretty much the exact same symptoms you describe (on both iOS and Android).

I haven't really had the time to investigate further and log a support ticket because as I say it's not heavily used and I was hoping that a planned upgrade from 10.9.1 to 11.1 might fix it - but that might be wishful thinking if you have the same issue at that version.

Occasional Contributor

Thanks. I also experience the issue with the sync as well. The sync completes and looks to be successful, but no updates accompany the sync.

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