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Auto populate a field from related record using Arcade calculated expressions

02-13-2024 08:18 AM
Occasional Contributor II

Hi, I know it's possible to grab data from the related record (inventory) when adding in a new related table (inspection record) available here: Common calculated expressions for ArcGIS Field Maps (

However, I have numerous feature classes (point, line and polygon) with one related table (for all inspection records). Does anyone know if you can use Field Maps Designers Arcade expression to ensure a field from the parent inventory layer (could be either point, line or polygon) can automatically populate the related table record? 

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4 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

Hopefully I understand your question correctly and I don't have it backwards. I think you can use the FeatureSetByRelationshipName function in Arcade to make a calculated expression on the field in the form. This assumes you have a relationship class created in the geodatabase.

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Occasional Contributor II

Thanks for commenting BlakeTerhune - I have tried to do this but i have numerous related layers going into one related table. See below screenshot when i try to use the related features: 


So depending which layer the user with click on and add a related record to, I will need the ID field carried across - hopefully that makes a bit more sense?


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Occasional Contributor

Hey Cat,


Have you got any progress on this? I am also looking for the same thing as you.




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Occasional Contributor II


Unfortunately not no, I tried the FeatureSet but because there are multiple, it fails to calculate

// Get the feature set for the hydrants
var maintenance = FeatureSetById($datastore,'ff83973e1a074d4ab758fce9d88f5339', ['Maintenance_Type'], false)

// Get the first hydrant (should only be one)
var maintenance2 = First(maintenance)

// If there was a hydrant, return the facilityid of it,
// Otherwise, return null
if (!IsEmpty(maintenance2)) {
    return maintenance2['Maintenance_Type']
} else {
    return null
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