Related Records not appearing in Explorer for ArcGIS

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09-08-2017 02:39 AM
New Contributor III

So we finally upgraded to the latest version of the explorer app on iOS (v.17.1.2 of app running on iOS 10.3.3), serving up maps from our Portal for ArcGIS instance through a VPN to the device. One of the things we were keen to make use of (and part of the reason for the upgrade) was the related records capability, of which we have quite a few.  However, when I interrogate those map layers containing related records I do not see them.  Are there any specific requirements for this to work, or has anyone else come across similar issues?

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Hey Dan,

I worked with Mervyn on this issue we found a few bugs with related records (as well as a bonus issue) -- here are the results:

  • BUG: Related data not showing when layers published as services with primary or foreign key hidden
    • Workaround: Unhide PK/FK and republish service. Hide PK/FK in popup configuration if do not want to show
  • BUG: Related data not showing when definition expression applied to the layer while publishing
    • Workaround: Export layer with definition expression into it's own feature class and republish service
  • BUG-000106749: Layers do not load with “Item does not exist or is inaccessible” after copying content between environments OR if the Map Service item added to Web Map is no longer accessible.
    • Workaround: Use a tool like ago-assistant to remove the invalid "itemId" parameter from the layer's JSON

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28 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Support for related records is currently not available with Explorer for ArcGIS. It is under consideration for future release. You could vote-up this idea .

Think Location
0 Kudos
New Contributor III

Err, it is?  See What's new—Explorer for ArcGIS | ArcGIS under the "Use beautiful, more responsive and informative maps" section?

MVP Esteemed Contributor

My bad. Good to see the feature already implemented. Thank you for sharing the update.

Think Location
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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Are you able to view the related records in web browser of ArcGIS Online?

Think Location
0 Kudos
New Contributor III

As mentioned in OP we use Portal for ArcGIS and not AGOL but yes, we have always been able to view the related records there, it just appears to be in the mobile app that this isn't appearing...

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Esri Contributor

Hi Daniel,

You are correct, accessing related records is supported in our current version of Explorer. Currently we support getting related records from the origin feature to the destination feature only. So, for example - you can tap on a Hydrant and get it's inspections, but not the reverse (presuming the relationship set up with Hydrants as the origin and Inspections is the destination)

Is it possible this is what you are running into? And that if you tap the feature in the other layer, you do actually get related info? If this is the case, and you would like to have this additional support - it would be great to hear more about this requirement and your particular workflow so we can understand your use case.

Whether it's this case, or something else we'd like to hear more about it.  If you could email with the details of either scenario that would be great. Then we can get into the details there.

Thanks for the question and the feedback.



New Contributor III

Hi Heather,

Thanks for the information, we did wonder if the problem was that we had configured the relationship class to go in both directions (forwards and back), so we altered the relationship class to just go forward, but we are still not seeing anything in the output.  I've attached a screenshot of the relationship class below, is there anything else that might cause it to fail?

Relationship Class

Many thanks


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Occasional Contributor III

Hi Dan,

Can you post a link to the feature service?  Or show a screenshot with the related tables in the feature service?



New Contributor III

Is there a requirement for the service to be a feature service?  or can it be a map service?