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Layers not showing in Explorer (iOS)

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04-03-2018 07:27 AM
Occasional Contributor

I have a map of water data (mains, valves, meters, etc.) that just recently stopped showing layers.  I've tried updating the feature layer.  I've completely removed and re-uploaded the layer. I've even completely replaced the layer, map, and all files associated with the map.  Nothing seems to make the layers show on explorer, even though they show in every other viewer (Pro, Web Map, Web App). 

The only error I can see is when I open the legend in the explorer app.  All the layers show "Invalid JSON". 

19 Replies
Esri Contributor

Great Gary - yes please do.

Can you share the map with me so I can have a look?

If the content isn't shared with everyone, you can share the content directly with my user 'heather_nitro` by following these blog instructions: 

Feel free to email me directly as well -


0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor

I invited you into a group this morning. Thanks for the help.

Larry Masters

West Knox Utility District

2328 Lovell Rd.

Knoxville TN 37932

865.690.2521 ext 224

"This message may contain confidential and/or propriety information and is intended for the person/entity to whom it was originally addressed. Any use by others is strictly prohibited"

0 Kudos
Esri Contributor

Thanks Larry - i joined the group just now.

I can open both maps, but I don't have access to some of the layers you have in the map (like CK_GPS). I only have access to the "Service_Area_Boundary - .." layers - but all others getting the permissions errors.

Can you share the layers with that group as well?

0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor

Done, Sorry about that.


0 Kudos
Esri Contributor

Thanks Larry,

I was able to open the Manholes map - and am able to reproduce the Invalid JSON error. It seems to be a new case, so i am investigating what's up and will get back to you on this.

I still don't have access to the Layers in the 2nd map - WKUD 

Can you check the sharing on those layers as well? And I can see what's up with those?



0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor


That map is OK. No worries on it.


0 Kudos
Esri Contributor

Ok good stuff Larry - thanks. I'll keep you updated on my progress. Hopefully I'll know more soon.


0 Kudos
Esri Contributor


I think we've narrowed down what the underlying renderer is complaining about.  

The unique value renderer is based on a Date field, and the value for the the Date field is <null>.  Something down the chain does not like this.  


1) I will definitely continue to follow this up, seems like a bug that we are not handling this case. 

   I will Chat with some other folks to find out the conditions under which the service would be published this way.

2) Try to get you moving forward and beyond this.

Can you try the following for me?  In a test project, can you set the Renderer to something other than that date field (

ESRIGNSS_FIXDATETIME)  ? or add a specifc Date value to symbolize on, to that to see if gets you around this issue?

I'm attempting to recreate the service as you have it -

Can you give me some details about how you've published it? email me at

 With details like, whether using Pro or ArcMap, what versions of that etc. (if you can share a Pro package or MXD + data subset that would be great too)

"defaultLabel": "<all other values>",     "uniqueValueInfos": [       {         "symbol": {           "type": "esriSMS",           "style": "esriSMSCircle",           "color": [             255,             0,             0,             255           ],           "size": 8,           "angle": 0,           "xoffset": 0,           "yoffset": 0,           "outline": {             "color": [               0,               0,               0,               255             ],             "width": 1           }         },         "value": "<Null>",        "label": "<Null>",         "description": ""       }     ],

Wanted to get you something before the weekend - so wanted to reach out. I'll continue to look into this.



0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor


Thanks for the speedy reply. Don’t worry about it today. Too close to weekend. I will take it up again Monday.

Have a great weekend,


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New Contributor

New here, trying to learn how to post a question. I am having similar issues with a markup layer sent to user via email not wanting to open in the Explore mobile app. It keeps asking for a log in rather than just opening the file on the saved map. they are using the free version that allows them to continue without log in. 



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