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how to upload layer with pictures

08-24-2011 12:51 AM
Deactivated User

Do you know whether it is possible to upload shp layers which store pictures / movies etc? where should i save the pictures and what string should be included in the dbf file, so it will work properly from ArcGIS Online app or ArcExplorer online?

Regards Ori
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7 Replies
Emerging Contributor

Shapefiles do not have the capability to actually store images. However, using a text field you can store a url to an image associated with each feature. It is possible to configure the pop-ups inExplorer Online to automatically show links as images. Here's what you need to do:

1. upload your images to a website that allows image sharing (e.g. flickr)
2. Add a new text field to your shapefile (make it 255 to accept long url's)
3. Edit the shapefile to add the image links for each feature
4. Zip up the shapefile
5. In Explorer Online upload your shapefile
6. Go the the Layer's Details (>) then Pop-ups Configure
7. Then click Media tab, then click Add and select Image. In the Url field select the field which stores the url to the image.

Now when you click on a feature you will see the image automatically displayed.

for more information on pop-up configuration see the Add media to a pop-up window help topic

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Deactivated User
Hi Mike

Thanks very much, just seen the reply today! (there was not email etc)

Regards Ori
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Occasional Contributor

I thought this might be a good thread to add the following question to:

I attended the Extend the Reach of Your GIS Seminar and saw a really cool demonstration where they linked the photo of a national flag hosted on Wikipedia to be the image for the pop-up ...does anyone know how to do this?

So basically, you click on the country point (embassy in the demo) and the pop-up has some basic info on the country and an image of the flag.

This is the wikipedia page with all the sovern state flags:

The indivicual flag image URLs are

So I created a simple layer with a dot in the US, Canada and Mexico and in the {Country} field, populated the country name the same way the wikipedia image is named ("Canada", "Mexico", "United_States")

So then in the Configure Pop-up window, in the add media portion, i clicked to add an image and in the URL (and link field) I tried:{Country}.svg

I even tried

<![CDATA[<a href='{Country}.svg'</a> ]]>

Did anyone else see this demo or can figure out how to make this happen?

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Regular Contributor
So then in the Configure Pop-up window, in the add media portion, i clicked to add an image and in the URL (and link field) I tried:{Country}.svg

I'm afraid that SVG (scalable vector graphics) files are not supported as images in pop-up windows in Explorer Online - you can use PNGs or JPEGS:
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Emerging Contributor
For configuring pop-ups in the URL to photo section, can more than one URL be entered in that section?  If so, what type of separator, such as a "," or ";" should be used to separate the different URL addresses?
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Emerging Contributor
Only 1 url can be entered into the url box. But it is easy to add multiple images to the popup by simply adding multiple images individually. (i.e Media > Add > Image > enter properties, then repeat these steps to add another). When the popup is shown you will see <> arrows to scroll through the different media

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Regular Contributor
I'm afraid there is no support for multiple photos to be shown in pop-ups for Map Notes layers.
If you have a layer from a feature or map service however, you can configure pop-ups to have multiple images or charts; these are shown one at a time, with arrows to move between the different images:
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