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Failed to Import Shapefile, Invalid Shapefile

07-12-2011 12:45 PM
New Contributor
When I export out a shapefile or create a new one, all of a sudden ArcGIS Explorer online is not able to import a shapefile. I keep getting an error box with the message, "Failed to Import Shapefile - Invalid Shapefile." I wish it would let me know why it was invalid. Anyone know of a solution to this? I had it working a few days ago.
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58 Replies
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First, you need to know exactly what the coordinate system the coordinates in the shapefile are defined in. Where did you get the shapefile from in the first place? If the data doesnt already contain a .prj file, maybe you can find the name or WKID (Well Known Id) of the coordinate system of the data set. So now you can add the correct .prj file for that coordinate system.

There is a very useful site which lists coordinate systems (or more specifically spatial references - you can find a good article on what all these things actually mean if you want to know more) by name and WKID, and also gives you the contents of a .prj file for that system, listed as 'Esri WKT'. So for example the system that many web mappping sites use is Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere, and if you find this on the site, it shows the Esri WKID is 102100, and the file contents is "PROJCS["WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere",GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]],PROJECTION["Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",0.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",0.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",0.0],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1",0.0],PARAMETER["Auxiliary_Sphere_Type",0.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0]]". Now save this text to a file alongside the coordinate system with the same base name and the .prj projection. The important thing to note is that you cant just add any old .prj file - it has to match the data.

Hope this helps,
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New Contributor
I'm getting the same message, been trying for three days.
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Regular Contributor
I'm getting the same message, been trying for three days.

This one has the same folder issue - you need to put the files into the root of a zipfile, not within a folder within the zipfile. After correcting that I tried to import, and got a message indicating there's no .shx file - this was a little confiusing until I spotted you have a naming error in the files - the .shx file has a different name (Nueces ISDs but it should be Nueces_ISDs to match the other files). I corrected that and imported again, and this time the import worked for me. However, again like the previous case on the thread, I'm not really sure this file has the correct prj file for the data that is in the shapefile, as after importing the data did not appear to be located correctly. So the advice about checking your data sources from the previous thread would apply here too.

Hope this helps,
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Deactivated User
I'm trying to import shapefiles into arcgisonline.  The nwacc_bldg file I digitized myself; the HVGP_rds file is data from the state clearinghouse.  I zipped both of them myself.  The HVGP file displays without issue, but the nwacc_bldg file won't display.  The error message says:

Unable to import this shapefile. (The operation was attempted on an empty geometry.). 

The shapefile displays, with attributes, in ArcGIS desktop (ArcInfo).  Can someone take a look at these files and find out what I'm doing wrong when creating the shapefile, so that I can correct it?

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Deactivated User
OK, I see now that my data is corrupted.  Going to try to repair and repost.

Edit:  It appears to have been a projection problem; the buildings feature class had no projection defined when I was digitizing them.  I created a new feature class (with projection defined as same as data frame) and digitized the buildings again.  Everything seems to be working now.
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New Contributor

I am trying to import a split ZIP file into ArcGIS Explorer Online. I get the following error message:

"The OnRequestLastVolume event handler U0027 doesn't exist. You should handle this event to work with spanning archives."

I have attached the file. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thank you.

C. Chase
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Deactivated User
I am having issues importing a shapefile into Explorer Online. The message the appears says that I have failed to import because I am missing a shapefile. I know that my zipped folder has my shapefile in it because it is opening in ArcMap. Does anyone know the possible solution? Attached is my zipped shapefile.
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New Contributor
I have imported 2 point features of small size but I couldn't upload a polygon feature which is about 3.25 MB in .zip format. The number of features are around 930, .shp, .shx, .prj, .dbf and other associated files are included directly in the .zip root. I even tried to upload without the extra extensions like .sbn. It is in WGS 1984 (also tried UTM).

It is showing the error "Unable to import this shapefile (Timeout exceeded)". I was thinking that it can be internet speed problem, but I tried a high speed network for this and no use from it.
Please help.
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New Contributor
I couldn't attach the full file so I selected some features from it and saved as an another shapefile. I am attaching the file here, please analyze the data. I tried to upload this also, still error.

Pleease help
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