Setting Coordinate Display Units to UTM

09-15-2011 10:43 AM
New Contributor II
I am trying to set the Coordinates DisplayUnits to a UTM value, but from the API you can only set the DisplayUnits to a discrete set of values as defined by the enumeration [DisplayUnits].  Does anyone know how to set, in code, the Display Units to a specific UTM coordinate system, and not just one of the discrete enumerated [DisplayUnits] values?

ex. (this works)

MapOperation.MapDisplay.Settings.DisplayUnits = DisplayUnits.TwoDCoordinateSystem;

ex.  (need something like this)

MapOperation.MapDisplay.Settings.DisplayUnits = DisplayUnits.TwoDCoordinateSystem.NAD1983UTMZone18N;
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3 Replies
Occasional Contributor II
Wouldn't setting the NAD83 of your specific area do the trick for instance, if your in Oregon NAD 83 Oregen Statewide Lambert Ft intl ??
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New Contributor II
Wouldn't setting the NAD83 of your specific area do the trick for instance, if your in Oregon NAD 83 Oregen Statewide Lambert Ft intl ??

The problem is that I need to be able to set it to any of the NAD Coordinate Systems, and the DisplayUnits setting will only allow you to set it to a DisplayUnit enumeration value, and there are only a few.  Below is the list of all the DisplayUnits you can set the setting as.  I need, like a subclass, for setting 2D specific coordinate systems.

DisplayUnit Domain:  {DecimalDegrees, DegreesDecimalMinutes, DegreesMinutesDecimalSeconds, DegreesMinutesSeconds, MGRS, TwoDCoordinateSystem, USNG}
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New Contributor II
Display tab->Coordinates-> <More...>. Click that and you get the Choose Coordinate System dialog. Then choose UTM, NAD1983 and finally NAD1983UTMZone81N.

Doing it this way will set the displayed coordinates to it and will work in 2D or 3D. Setting the Map projection is set through the Map Properties.

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