Find tool

07-14-2011 09:31 AM
New Contributor
We have recently changed to Explorer Desktop from ArcReader. I was wondering if there is a way to use the find tool to search the layers and not just the basemap? I made layer packages from ArcGIS 10 and added them to the other machines in the office. They are able to see the data if they click on a feature but they cannot search. For example, we will locate a person's property by typing their name into the find tool and it searches the parcel data layer. Any ideas?
Dana Van Horn
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12 Replies
Occasional Contributor
It would be so user friendly if the Find tool could look in the layer Attribute/field data.  We can dream.  Come on ESRI Explorer Desktop crew, make it happen 🙂
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I have created a local geocode for placenames. It works fine i arcMap. As far as I can see, I have to publish it to arcgisserver to be able to add this lokal place name search to ArcGISexplorer desktop (build 1750). Is this right? Is it no way to add a geocode directly from a file based geodatabase?


Sveinung Råheim
Govenor of Svalbard, Norway
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Occasional Contributor
I know i've posted this before on another thread in the forum, but this seems to be a common issue.

I have a generic find tool created that might help with this issue.
You can download it here. Hopefully this helps with the searching issue.

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