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Explorer crashes unexpectedly when a globe service is added

06-21-2010 04:05 PM
New Contributor III
Hi There

I am having a big trouble with the ArcGIS explorer, Its crashing unexpectedly when I add the globe service from a gis server. However the map service is working fine. This is only happening with only one GIS server. The globe services from another GIS service is working fine.

Let me know if anyone has any idea behind this issue.
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3 Replies
New Contributor III
Is it is a public service, if so can you provide a link to it?

Andriy Ivanov
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New Contributor III
Here is the public link  .This is the virtual link to the ArcGIS server (public link).  I am not sure wheather globe services are visible to public.

Now this is interesting, if I add globe service using this virtual path (public link), ArcExplorer doesn't crash and both map and globe services work.

However if I try adding globe services from the same server using the usual path the explorer crashes (MAp services can be added using both the paths).
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New Contributor III
yeah, weird. I added them successfully. no crash here.
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