Hi, My organization have recently upgrade ArcGIS Enterprise Portal to 11.2. We started to create a GIS Viewer application using ExB in Portal. Just encounter a road block with the search widget function not able to turn on/off all search layers. Apparently, AGOL and ExB Developer Edition have this option on their latest release. I know Portal is always behind on any new release.
Is it possible to used in the box ESRI search widget from ExB Developer Edition v1.14, copy and rename as cust-search widget in your-extensions folder directory, compile this widget, hosted it in our web server, and register the url manifest link in our Portal environment? Will this work? is it compatible with one version behind?
I tested the process mention above but the option to turn any search layer on are not clickable. Its not greyed out but you can't uncheck any layer.
Any ideas or help will be appreciated. Thx