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Toggling between 2 maps (2D or 3D) while synchronizing the same locations

01-19-2022 09:57 PM
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

Using Experience Builder ExB, is there a way to synchronize the location  or two map widgets?
I have a button that toggles between page1 (map1 with floods) and Page 2 (map2 scene in 3D). It works correctly but it doesn't synchronize the location of the two maps.
if I pan and zoom in one map it doesn't synchronize the other map. 
This could be useful for a map overview, too (that small map in the bottom corner). 

thank you

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2 Replies
MVP Notable Contributor

You  put an action on Map1, trigger when Extent changes, action, zoom to Map2.

Then put action on Map2, trigger when Extent changes, action, zoom to Map1.



edited as I tested with 2D and 3D in same experience.  works well.

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Frequent Contributor
Great thank you I will try on Monday.

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