Hi. I am in need of a widget in experience builder which can find point "near me". For example the points of interest in a 100m cirkle around me. It seems like it was a such widget in webmap developer that did that which is called "near me". Is the someone who a trick for this. Can i maybe copy the code from webmap developer if there is some way to find this code?
Thanks for you're answers
I agree this would be a really useful function for us too. I'd like to have a widget to filter for assets of interest within a certain radius or within a certain area of interest. Much like the screening tool in Web App Builder but something in Experience Builder. Thank you.
If you're using the Web App Builder Developer Edition you could find the NearMe widget in your client>stemapp>widgets directory.
As Esri said, we unfortunately cannot transfert WAB widgets to ExB. So you'll need to modify the NearMe widget code to fit for ExB.