I am trying to embed a secured arcgis dashboard in my EXB application(dev edition),
I am passing in the below url to the embed widget. But the authentication is not shared and the dashboard is asking for login again.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
hi @Saxina ,
Your EXB app is created with dev edition and deployed to the same domain https://myarcgisorgportal.com/ right?
Hi @Wei_Ying ,
Yes my app is created with dev edition, I am currently testing the development version of my application
The arcgis org portal(https://myarcgisorgportal.com/ ) and my app portal( https://myappportal.com/ ) are not same domains
The "arcgis-auth-origin" and "arcgis-auth-portal" parameters are used for cases of crossing organizations when the apps' domain is "arcgis.com".
If your ExB app and embedded app are from same self-domain organization , you don't need those parameter. Could you have a try by removing the parameters?
When I tested this case (ExB app and embedded app are from same self-domain organization - not using the extra queryparams), the authentication is shared and there is no 2nd login prompt. But for cross domain the authentication is not shared eventhough I used "arcgis-auth-origin" and "arcgis-auth-portal" params.
@Saxina wrote:When I tested this case (ExB app and embedded app are from same self-domain organization - not using the extra queryparams), the authentication is shared and there is no 2nd login prompt. But for cross domain the authentication is not shared eventhough I used "arcgis-auth-origin" and "arcgis-auth-portal" params.
@Saxina Thanks for your testing and feedback. Unfortunately I still not reproduce the issue you described. If possible, could you describe more about your case?